Liquid Immersion Cooling Is Making a Splash, Here’s Why.

Most data centers were never intended to handle the explosion of demands they’re running up against today. Not just increasing compute & density requirements but tightening environmental pressures as well. Plus, most are also hitting a solid wall of power constraints, thermal limitations, and budget restrictions. If you haven’t yet run up against these — you will soon.

Liquid Immersion Cooling Addresses Data Center Demands More Effectively than Any Other Technology — Ever!

  • Add Compute On-Demand
  • Reduce Compute Footprint
  • Lower CapEx & OpEx
  • Conserve Resources
  • Cut Carbon Footprint
  • Reduce Downtime
  • Simplify ITE Upgrades

During Liquid Immersion Cooling Awareness Month, GRC along with partners, server manufacturers, end-users, analysts, and other industry experts will educate data center operators on the technology through a series of webinars, blogs, presentations and more!

Register to Receive Event Updates:

Start Immersing Yourself in the Technology with These Resources:

GRC Blog Library

Operating an Immersion-Cooled Data Center

Meet the All-New ICEraQ® Series 10

Webinar: Enhancing Data Center Sustainability

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