Organizations across the globe are starting to pay attention to the financial, environmental, and ancillary benefits of immersion cooling technology. Adoption of immersion cooling (IC) is being driven by multiple factors, among these are significant financial benefits and the capability of processing big data at the edge. This has caught the attention of several leading OEMs that are looking to expand upon the utilization capabilities for their respective products within their client’s environment. And they are working feverishly to meet the anticipated market demand for the immersion-ready hardware.
After the adoption of this technology, the next logical step in the lifecycle becomes apparent —which is the maintenance of the technology, from IC infrastructure, to immersed products, to ensuring uptime.
It is highly likely that the first time anyone with even a rudimentary background in IT sees immersed systems there may be an experience of wonderment. I personally had that experience when I attended my first meeting at Green Revolution Cooling in Austin, Texas. Being an IT professional with more than twenty-five years of experience and even with the continual advancement of technology over that time, it is rare that I am stopped in my tracks. This is not as simple as a new software version or faster processing chip. This is on par with seeing an air-breathing organism live in an undersea environment without the need for a breathing apparatus. This is as radically innovative and creative as any blockbuster that Hollywood could possibly fathom. The greatest challenge in that statement is — getting stopped in your tracks and pausing to reflect, does nothing for down time and the need to get a disabled unit back up and running. Truth be told, virtually every technician that is dispatched to fulfill a hardware support ticket who arrives at an immersion rack will be confused about the equipment being contained within a liquid environment and that could exasperate the issue at hand.
Avaso is a unique services company and we have established a long-standing and trusted partnership with GRC as a global services partner. Our technicians are very familiar with the technology we have installed. We actively support preventative maintenance solutions, and are ready to provide emergency dispatch support for every GRC product that is deployed globally. Our team of direct badged technicians and engineers in more that 190 countries support all makes and models of IT infrastructure today, so adoption and familiarity of immersion cooled products is a natural fit. As our team is familiar with the technology, our familiarity as being a third-party services organization translates to the ability of supporting virtually any product that is immersed within the racks, pods, and tanks.

Avaso supports the break/fix requirements for immersed products and does so with a committed response requirement. This may not be the case with most other third-party maintenance providers.
- As GRC’s global partner for installation, maintenance, conversion, and ancillary support solutions, our global team of more than 1,800 technicians spread across 190+ countries are already familiar with immersion cooling technology and applications.
- We work with several OEMs to support expanded warranty and post warranty solutions for clients that are looking to support their immersed infrastructure.
- We are able to meet challenging response requirements to ensure that equipment continues to process data with minimal impact from downtime.
- Avaso’s global field dispatch and global depot network can meet the requirements of hardware maintenance that is deployed within an immersed state.
- Avaso can convert legacy hardware to function in an immersed state, pushing off the need to capitalize a significant hardware investment as part of the shift to adoption.
The potential advantages of leveraging GRC’s suite of products are clear. The financial and environmental impacts of incorporating immersion cooling technology within your infrastructure plan can shorten the timeline to realize your organizational objectives to be Carbon Neutral by a pre-determined date. GRC went so far as to find a partner who could not only support their immersion cooled product suite but enable their clients to leverage a support ecosystem that can convert existing IT servers and switches and support new hardware purchases in the future, as well.
Paul Brundage is an experienced sales executive with more than twenty-five (25) years of experience in building business partnerships on behalf of IT support organizations and considers the GRC/Avaso partnership as one of the most innovative over his career
Experience What Immersion Cooling Can Do for Your Data Center
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sure to read our Guide to Sustainability Metrics with GRC’s ICEraQ® — Going Beyond the Traditional Data Center.