Data makes the world go ’round, more and more every day. Companies are increasingly migrating to the cloud, the work-from-home revolution sees more employees logging in remotely than ever before, and people rely on mobile apps for many basic daily functions. It’s no wonder then that data center energy consumption is rising steeply worldwide.
But as big data expands, so too do the attendant CO2 emissions. Therefore, it’s more critical than ever that companies take proactive measures to achieve sustainability. “Clean” data centers are becoming more of an imperative if we hope to sustain the data-driven economy that only becomes more integral every day.
Yet many data center operators are still skeptical of the feasibility of transitioning from traditional data center systems to more eco-friendly solutions. For example, the switch from air-cooling systems to liquid immersion cooling systems can save both your company and the environment immensely. Yet many companies still operate under the presumption that liquid immersion cooling technology is either too expensive, too complicated, or too new to consider seriously.
This presumption is somewhat unfounded. Let’s unpack the reality of the situation and explore why pivoting to a greener, cleaner data center with GRC is easier than you might think.

The Usual Concerns Just Don’t Apply to Liquid Cooling
Transitioning your current data center into one more environmentally conscious is a process. Undoubtedly one of the biggest costs of a data center—both in terms of your budget and environmental impact—comes in the form of cooling. Therefore, switching to a liquid immersion cooling system can help your data center make a mighty leap toward green efficiency ASAP.
When operators and designers look at choosing more sustainable solutions, their reticence typically stems from three general concerns. Operators and designers worry about:
- Cost, as new solutions tend to be more expensive than the legacy solution being replaced
- Complexity, since newer systems often involve more training for staff than they’re currently used to in order to get up to speed
- Newness, specifically, whether these technologies have been properly tested or proven in the field over time yet
And certainly, this can be true for some solutions. But when it comes to single-phase liquid immersion cooling systems (like those from GRC), none of these concerns apply!
Let’s dive deeper into why exactly the normal worries about the transition to a greener data center don’t bog down GRC’s liquid immersion cooling system.
The usual worries about the cost of new equipment simply are not relevant to liquid immersion cooling systems like GRC’s. Traditional, air-cooled data centers come with an excess of ancillary infrastructure such as in-row cooling, air-handling systems, backup generators, and the like. The solution depends on a whole ecosystem of interrelated parts, each of which requires extensive (and expensive) maintenance.
In contrast, liquid immersion cooling systems are simple and straightforward. The liquid does all the work on its own; you don’t need to keep tabs on multiple different parts to keep your cooling system working. In addition, the drastic drop in energy expenses—as you no longer have to expend as much energy cooling off your data center—compounds your savings. This cash influx is often more than enough to pay for the system in just a matter of months.
As mentioned above, from a data center design perspective, immersion cooling solutions like those offered by GRC are simply less complicated than traditional air-cooling infrastructure. This means there’s actually less to brief employees on when it comes to system maintenance; it also means there are fewer points of potential failure to track.
And when it comes to the commitment itself, servicing the equipment is no more complex with a liquid immersion system. You can still remove one server at a time and service it right at the rack, without taking the rest of the system down with it; no different than with an air-cooled server.
Liquid immersion cooling may even simplify maintenance processes when it comes to your servers. Fans are the primary cause of server failure. Liquid immersion cooling obviates the need for these fans. Also, the fluid in which the servers are immersed protects them from other potential problems such as vibration, condensation, static, dust, and so on. As a result, servers immersed in liquid immersion systems tend to require less service in the first place.
Understandably, any company would have reservations about implementing new systems. For data centers in particular, messing with your cooling system—which is so integral to every other operation—can seem particularly daunting. How can you trust something so new? No one wants their business to be the test case.
Fair enough, but immersion cooling is not a new concept at all. Immersion cooling has been in use in high-tech applications for decades; and the use of dielectric fluids with electrical equipment dates back to the beginning of the power grid.
GRC has provided these solutions for 12 years now, with resounding success. The conversation about green solutions for the data center may be new, but the efficacy of liquid immersion cooling is well-proven at this point.
Take Your First Leap Toward a Green Data Center Today With GRC
Transitioning to a greener data center may seem like a daunting and costly venture, but you don’t have to do it all overnight. You can start quickly and easily by replacing one of the prime offenders in the traditional data center; the air cooling system.
Liquid immersion cooling systems like GRC’s present a path toward sustainability that dodges all the usual concerns about green tech. It’s cheaper and less complex than legacy solutions and has a time-tested track record. There’s no risk, only reward.
With the global green data center market projected to reach $140.3 billion in 2026, now’s the time to make the switch if you want to keep ahead of the curve. Ready to take the next step? Reach out to GRC today where we’ve been providing liquid immersion cooling systems since 2009. Our industry-leading solutions will help make your data center operations more sustainable and more cost-effective.